Internal Audit

Two people shaking hands over documents
The Internal Audit Department will follow the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), also known as the “Red Book.”


Internal Audit Protocol

In Summer 2008, Alamo Colleges' Chancellor issued a protocol for the District personnel regarding his support for the internal audit function established by the Board of Trustees. The Chancellor's Protocol Document was issued to further clarify for staff the general audit process and his expectations for cooperation and collaboration. Internal Audit distributes copies of the protocols during entrance conferences as needed.

Internal Audit Charter Audit Committee Charter


Audit Planning

The process and planning of internal audits are vital to the operation of the Alamo Colleges District.

Audit Process Internal Audit Plan

Internal Audit Annual Report 

Illustration of reporting team over Alamo Colleges Logo
View the Report



Contact Us


Frank Cortez, CIA, CISA, CISSP
District Director of Internal Audit

Phone: 210-485-0396


2222 N. Alamo St., Rm 302
San Antonio, TX 78215


Other Important Information

Reporting Fraud

Any person who suspects fraud or financial impropriety at Alamo Colleges should report their suspicions immediately to any supervisor, the Chancellor or designee, the Board Chairperson, the College District Ethics Hotline, local law enforcement, Internal Audit or the State Auditor’s Office Hotline.

If you suspect fraud, waste, or abuse, and would like to file an anonymous complaint, please report the matter to one of the following:

Alamo Colleges Ethics Hotline


State Auditor’s Office Hotline
1-800-TX-AUDIT (1-800-892-8348)